It's a great day!
Although not everyone reading this email is an entrepreneur and small business owner, since this success principle can also be applied to other areas outside of business, I want to share an important topic related to business that I trust everyone will gain great value from.
The ...
Do you ever wonder how you can get more done within the confines of the 24-hour limit to each day? (Click on image below if you prefer to watch a video rather than read.)
You’re certainly not alone. Personally, I have and still do face this challenge on a regular basis in my ever changing, alway...
Do you know what the “law of familiarity” is?
Each of us should not only know what it is but, more importantly, know how to combat it since it applies to everyone.
The law of familiarity simply states that if you are around something long enough, you tend to take it for granted and therefore pay l...
Do you have any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from being and achieving all that you are capable of?
Today, I want to share a lesson from fleas and elephants in order to help all of us to not allow limiting beliefs to hinder us. (Click on image below if you prefer to watch a video ra...
Have you ever wondered what you may be missing out on, in order to enjoy the success, you desire to achieve in life?
Or maybe, like I’ve done in the past, you wonder what the missing “key” ingredient to better results really is?
Before we get to the meat of this Wisdom Wednesday, let me share a...
Today I want to share with you an incredibly simple yet exceptionally powerful, and often underutilized tool we can all use to improve our relationships, our health, our businesses and the lives of those around us…the value of a smile.
As simple as this sounds, a smile is profound.
The expressi...
What a great day to be alive!
Have you ever wondered why some people just can’t “catch a break” and seem to have everything go wrong in their life?
They appear to live the motto that “if something bad is going to happen it’s going to happen to them.”
While for others, it seems everything they tou...
Let’s talk about the power of association, because who we spend time with regularly, matters.
It affects our physical health, our mindset, world view, income level, relationships, and more.
It’s been said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time around. The saying is true,...
Are you a multi-tasker? If so, you may be interested to know that research shows you may be better off focusing your energy!
In our fast-paced society, we find ourselves pulled in many different directions at the same time. We seem to love to be able to multi-task and brag about how many projects w...
People often ask me which books are my favorite, and which books I’d recommend they read. This blog is in response to that great question.
First, I want to share that there are different books that I’d recommend for various topics, from improving marriage, parenting, investing, health, the Christia...
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