We Get What We Focus On
Jul 15, 2022
What a great day to be alive!
Have you ever wondered why some people just can’t “catch a break” and seem to have everything go wrong in their life?
They appear to live the motto that “if something bad is going to happen it’s going to happen to them.”
While for others, it seems everything they touch “turns to gold” so to speak, and things “always go their way.”
Any idea why this is?
Could it be that much of the reason starts with differences in each person's perspectives?
Although good things certainly happen to “bad” people, bad things happen to “good” people, negative things happen to positive people and positive things happen to negative people, what we focus on, what we visualize, and what we believe to be true about ourselves and our life really does matter, and often creates our own reality.
Let me tell you a quick story to better explain.
We have owned many different used vehicles in our nearly 30 years of marriage, and it never ceases to amaze me how many of a particular make and model will suddenly “appear” on the roads around me, immediately after purchasing that particular model myself.
Has this ever happened to you?
When I drove an F250, I saw F250 pickups everywhere.
When I drove a Dodge Ram, I saw Ram trucks all the time.
After we purchased a 15 passenger van years ago, I was shocked to discover how many other 15 passenger vans mysteriously showed up all over the place.
The same went for every other vehicle I owned, including my VW Passat, VW CC, and now my Tesla Model S.
Before I owned an automobile, I couldn’t see that particular model passing me by, because I wasn’t focused on it, consciously or subconsciously.
Once I purchased one, I unknowingly became more focused on it, even subconsciously, and was therefore able to see them everywhere I drove.
If we choose to believe “life is just hard on me,” and think things like “look what always happens to me,” and “something continually keeps me from reaching my goals,” we will see challenges and roadblocks at every turn.
On the other hand, if we choose to see obstacles as a way to learn new things, discover new paths over, under, around or through the challenges we face, we will overcome them and become one of those “lucky people” that life just seems to work out well for.
Race car drivers are taught, as I also was in the California Highway Patrol academy many years ago, to focus your eyes on the roadway ahead, where you want to go, rather than on the wall (the obstacle) right next to you.
Where your eyes focus while driving, is where the vehicle will be drawn to go.
Many will think life is just easier for others. Sadly, they may never really understand this very important life lesson that where their perspective and focus go, the results are sure to follow.
Life is hard. We all have hard things to go through at times.
Victims complain and blame, believing they just have bad luck, while the overcomers choose to succeed in spite of their difficulties.
The primary kind of luck involved is the kind that Thomas Jefferson referred to when he stated, “I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”
It’s all up to you! You are creating your own reality with your internal thoughts, words, beliefs and actions.
Where your energy and focus go, more of it is certainly going to flow.
What are you focusing on today?
Seeing problems or finding solutions?
Being a victim or a victor?
Seeking out the negative or choosing to see the bright side of every situation?
Today is the day to take inventory, sharpen your perspective and make sure you are focusing on what you desire to have more of in your life.
Let’s ensure you are setting yourself up with the best chance of success.
Until next time!