
Choosing the Right Mentors Feb 15, 2023

Have you stopped to consider whose advice is influencing you?

Or what types of mentors you may have?

There are many people sharing their opinions today, but it is important to make sure we are following sound advice in the areas we desire to grow and improve in, and that we are able to decipher...

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The Truth About Multiple Streams of Income Others Donā€™t Tell You Feb 08, 2023

There is a myth out there that says you must have multiple income streams in order to build wealth.

That belief is far from the truth, and the thing holding many would-be entrepreneurs back from enjoying maximum success.

Although most millionaires do have multiple streams of income, most of them...

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Some great advice from Warren Buffet Feb 01, 2023

Want to hear something crazy?

The Harvard Business Review shared a study that followed thousands of companies during the past 3 global recessions.

17% of them didn’t even survive the recession…

And 80% of survivors were still struggling three full YEARS after the recession.

But guess...

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How to 319x Your Income Jan 24, 2023

I recently saw a study comparing the average American worker to the average CEO…

It highlighted a key point that can help you multiply your income NOW more than ever before!

You see, for every $1 the average American worker earns…

The average CEO earns $319…

And one of the...

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How to Accomplish the Goals You Set (Part 3 of 3) Jan 17, 2023

Setting and achieving goals can be a difficult yet rewarding endeavor.

If you’ve already taken the five steps discussed in part 2 of this 3-part series - identify your goals, set a deadline for each one, identify the obstacles, develop a plan of action, and list the benefits of attaining...

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How to Set the Most Effective Goals (Part 2 of 3) Jan 11, 2023

Did you know that sadly, 97% of people never set their goals in the proper manner? This is why it should come as no surprise that within weeks of each new year, most have abandoned their hopes of accomplishing the goals they had set.

This 3-part email series on goal setting is designed to ensure...

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Hereā€™s Why You Should Set New Goals (Part 1 of 3) Jan 04, 2023

Happy New Year!

It’s that time of year! Goal setting is front and center in most of our minds.

Maybe you have already set goals for this new year, or are still planning to, or possibly you’re considering whether it’s even worth it after setting goals in the past and failing to...

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This is the Foundation of Success Dec 28, 2022

Achieving success in any area of life certainly takes hard work, dedication and consistency, but the foundation of success is our inner belief.

Without belief, our own self-doubt and fear of failure takes over and can paralyze many back from ever getting started. Don’t let that happen to...

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7 Traits Most Successful People Possess Dec 21, 2022

As I am sure you know, success has nothing to do with luck, and those that just get “lucky” (i.e. - a lotto winner) statistically, don’t maintain what they happen to receive.

The reason? They typically don’t possess the following traits.

While reading through the list...

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Contentment Without Complacency Dec 14, 2022

In order to ensure that we are being content without becoming complacent, it may be helpful to make sure we are clear on the difference between the two.

Contentment and complacency may appear to be similar but there are very important and impactful differences.

Being content means we don’t...

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The Way Most Think About Being Busy is Dead Wrong! Dec 07, 2022

What does being busy mean to you?

For many of us, being busy can easily become a part of our identity.

Have you ever asked someone what they’ve been up to, and they reply with something like, “I've just been so busy!”

It’s not like they are saying this because their life...

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Hereā€™s 5 Reasons to Track Your Activity Nov 30, 2022

Have you ever considered tracking important activities that are important to do daily, in order to move you closer to your goal?

Since most don't track, you can be a massive step ahead of the pack if you'll implement what I have to share today.

(Click on the image above if you prefer to watch a...

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