
Avoiding the Emotional Rollercoaster

Aug 31, 2022
Avoiding the Emotional Rollercoaster

It's a great day!

Although not everyone reading this email is an entrepreneur and small business owner, since this success principle can also be applied to other areas outside of business, I want to share an important topic related to business that I trust everyone will gain great value from.

The topic today is the importance of avoiding the emotional rollercoaster. (Click on image below if you prefer to watch a video rather than read.)

It’s critical that we realize everything in life has high times…better times, exciting times, fun times, as well as low times...challenging times, tough times, and times that test our resolve and commitments.

This is inevitable in any area of life!

Business is no exception.

Nicole and I have certainly had our fair share of challenges….

Sudden deaths in each of our immediate families, child challenges, past career challenges including unemployment and major financial struggles, my challenges with alcohol, losing members of our team that were producing over $500,000 per year, gone, and the list goes on and on.

I do believe however, that those of us that work for ourselves, from home, with phone-based businesses, have been blessed to enjoy some of the highest highs and, if we are not careful, we can also experience some of the lowest lows.

First, we must ensure that we have a proper perspective.

We should start with the awareness that highs and lows are inevitable, but that there are also different degrees of highs and lows.

Our goal is to avoid the extremes.

We also need to keep in mind that every challenge (the valley’s in our journey) eventually will lead to another mountain top experience, thankfully, if we are committed to continuing through each valley even when it’s difficult.

Keeping this perspective is a big help and is always encouraging to me.

But how do we avoid the emotional rollercoaster that we can easily find ourselves on in business and in life if we are not adequately prepared?

The answer: Commit to the process (the correct actions) and release attachment to their short-term results.

In our phone-based online business, our commitment to the process of doing the income producing activities while not being addicted to or attached to the outcome of what others may choose, has been critical to our sanity, enjoyment and success!

I have heard the phrase, “Marry the process and divorce yourself from the results.”

There is some wisdom in this, whether it’s applied to social media posting, our businesses, or other areas of life like our relationships.

The point?

Do the right activities, consistently, and the fruit will eventually follow.

In Nicole and my business, we are committed to the process of making friends, being a good friend to others, applying the biblical wisdom of caring more about others than ourselves, sharing resources with others as needs and opportunities arise about the life-changing products we’ve enjoyed for the past 22 years, the wonderful community of servant-hearted world changers we are a part of, and the associated income and impact opportunities we have to offer others in need, and we leave the decision to others about what they choose.

We can genuinely accept whatever choice others may make, no matter how wonderful we believe this information we possess can bless their lives, realizing It’s not our choice to choose for others.

We are only responsible to make friends, be a good friend, and to share the miracle we have in our mouths as we see needs and have the opportunity.

That’s it! That’s fun! That’s freeing!

If we have that perspective, we can then be committed to presenting information to people and not being addicted to their decision, not letting their decision shatter us emotionally, not sending us down into a valley low, emotionally.

This is a mindset that leads to success in many areas of life.

Every single person that’s ever-enjoyed substantial success in our industry has eventually learned to commit to this mindset, developed it and learned the skills necessary to execute it… that’s how they have obtained their success!

They didn’t create success and then develop this mindset afterwards. They developed this mindset and then created success.

In closing, the best way to avoid the emotional rollercoaster in business and in life is to commit to the proper actions and detach yourself from the immediate results (or lack thereof).

This will help you avoid the high highs and the low lows, make building a business (relationship, healthy body, or whatever else you desire to build) much more enjoyable, and set you up to have much greater success!

Until next time, make it a great one!