
Just Say No to Multitasking Oct 25, 2023

Do you find yourself multi-tasking?

If so, you may find value in learning that research shows the value of focusing your energy!

In our fast-paced society, we can easily find ourselves pulled in many directions all at the same time. It’s almost become a badge of honor for many to multi-task and brag ...

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The Language of Success: Eliminating Weak Words Oct 17, 2023

Do you understand the power of both your spoken and unspoken words? The words we speak both externally and internally can significantly influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions either positively or negatively, and are therefore a key to our success.

Unfortunately, many of us have become accusto...

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Facing Adversity: A Biblical Perspective Oct 10, 2023

In the midst of attempting something new, have you ever run into challenges that led you to question whether or not you were on the right course?

Maybe you wondered if you were outside of God’s will due to apparent “doors” that were closing?

Well be encouraged! Throughout the pages of the Bible, ther...

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Will the Timing Ever Be Right to Start? Oct 04, 2023

Is there something you haven’t started yet because you feel the timing isn’t right?

Maybe a new health program, business, savings/investing program, morning routine, writing a book, etc...? 

Is it possible that the timing may never feel right to begin? 

I hear it all the time: 

"I'll start when ...

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Consider Being Different: A Lesson From The 5 Ape Study Sep 26, 2023

Have you heard about the 5 Ape Study?

Back in the 1960s, there was a study called the "5 Ape Study" that showed us something really important about our behavior, and the importance of not blindly following what we see everyone else is doing.

 Picture this: in the study there were five apes in a bi...

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Positivity: Your Personal Superpower Sep 19, 2023

Do you know anyone that is 100% optimistic and always sees positive in any situation? 

My father-in-law, Ron Johnson, is one of those guys. He’s the most positive person I’ve ever met! 

I’ve never heard him complain about anything or anyone, even though he’s had plenty of opportunities to do so.  ...

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Parenting (and life) Tip: Questions Are the Answer Sep 12, 2023

Are you asking the right questions?

 A couple weeks ago, I failed in this area with one of our teens (see my recent Instagram REEL), so I share the following with you in hopes of helping you learn from my mistake.

If you are a parent of children who will one day be teenagers, a parent of teens, a ...

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Embracing Challenges: Catalysts for a Purposeful Life of Significance Sep 05, 2023

In our pursuit of living a mission-driven, purpose-filled and impactful life, it's easy to overlook the hidden treasures that life’s trials, challenges, and adversity can bring.

While at first glance, these obstacles may seem like setbacks, its critically important to understand that they hold immen...

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The Power of Vulnerability: Overcoming Isolation and Increasing Fulfillment Aug 29, 2023

In a world dominated by social media highlight reels and a façade of perfection, the notion of vulnerability has become an unexpected beacon of authenticity and connection with others. 

So many people are going through life thinking their challenges are somehow unique to them, which makes them feel...

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The Power of Pause: Embracing Rest and Renewal in a Fast Paced World Aug 23, 2023

In our fast paced world, characterized by relentless schedules and constant connectivity, it's all too easy to become entangled in the unending cycle of work and obligations.

Amid the whirlwind of responsibilities, it is imperative to prioritize rest, relaxation and rejuvenation, or we set ourselves...

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Maximize Your Production in a World of Constant Interruptions Aug 15, 2023

Twenty-three minutes,  that's the time it takes, on average, to reestablish your focus after an interruption disrupts your workflow.

How do I know? A study conducted at the University of California, Irvine, revealed the significant impact of interruptions on one’s productivity, indicating the “loss...

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4 Keys to Overcome the Challenge of Stagnation Aug 08, 2023

Living life to the fullest, and being a good steward of the gifts, talents and opportunities that God has entrusted to us involves continually learning, applying what we learn, and growing.

Scaling any endeavor, whether in business or personal pursuits, often leads to encountering the formidable obs...

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