7 Traits Most Successful People Possess
Dec 21, 2022
As I am sure you know, success has nothing to do with luck, and those that just get “lucky” (i.e. - a lotto winner) statistically, don’t maintain what they happen to receive.
The reason? They typically don’t possess the following traits.
While reading through the list below, if you find that you lack one or more of these traits, the great news is that any of these can be learned and developed.
It can also be helpful to find a role model (or multiple role models) who are living lives you desire and emulate the positive qualities you see in them.
1) They are reliable. Successful people keep their word. They say what they mean and do what they say. You can count on them.
2) They invest in themselves. Successful people invest time and money towards learning, growing and bettering themselves in order to become more valuable to the world around them. They continually strive to learn a new skill or improve their current ones. They are lifelong learners.
3) They value and invest in relationships. Successful people network and connect with other like-minded individuals. They seek out people with similar goals, often who are further along the journey than they are, who will challenge them and bring out the very best in them.
4) They take action. Successful people are willing to take immediate action and have excellent decision making skills. They don’t wait for things to happen but make things happen. They are not double minded and indecisive, but rather are able to make a decision based on good information and move forward with a plan of action.
5) They are willing to fail. Success doesn’t come easy, and people are bound to fail along the way. They realize that just as with learning to walk, talk, or ride a bike, we must fail in order to learn and improve. Rather than staying down when they fail, successful people pick themselves back up, learn from their failures and use them as steppingstones to success.
6) They embrace change. Although they don’t want to change just for the sake of changing, successful people also don’t fear or resist change, they embrace it. With the world moving at warp speed and technology rapidly changing, they realize that change is inevitable, and they readily adapt to it.
7) They are generous. Successful people are generous with their knowledge, time and money. They understand that it is better to give than receive, and in doing so find increased joy, fulfillment and oftentimes more success as a result.
I realize there are plenty more traits of successful people that I left out for sake of brevity, but these seven traits are a few of the ones most important to me.
What are one or more other traits you think successful people have in common? I’d love to hear!
Also, to hear the most recent interview with Josh Clark on my “Life's Hard, Succeed Anyway” podcast, you can listen and subscribe here.
Until next week,