How to 319x Your Income
Jan 24, 2023
I recently saw a study comparing the average American worker to the average CEO…
It highlighted a key point that can help you multiply your income NOW more than ever before!
You see, for every $1 the average American worker earns…
The average CEO earns $319…
And one of the key things the study found that can potentially double, triple, or even 319x your income is something you can easily take action on TODAY.
Would you like to know what it is?
It turns out, the average American worker attends ZERO events per year…
But the average CEO attends 6 events per year!
To tap into what’s called the "Power of Proximity"…
Because the average CEO knows that one’s network corresponds to one’s net worth…
Especially during tough times!
That’s why I literally schedule my year around key events…
And my highest-earning friends across all industries do the same…
And the value of attending events is not limited to just business and financial success. It applies to any area we desire to grow and improve in.
How many events do you have on your schedule right now?
You may not have the time (or even the resources) to go to 6 events this year…
That’s why you must make the events you do go to really count.
What areas of your life do you desire to grow this year?
Strengthening your marriage? Becoming a more effective parent? Scaling your business? Taking your health to the next level? Growing spiritually? Some other aspect of personal growth and development?
There are events for all of these important areas of life.
I encourage you to make the investment in your future by getting some events on the calendar.
Can’t afford travel to all the events you desire?
Although nothing beats the benefits of in-person events and the networking opportunities they offer, consider also virtual events if you have no other choice.
I’ve never regretted an event that I’ve attended. Even the ones I was lukewarm on ended up being totally worth it.
Get yours on the calendar today!
If you’d like to hear the most recent interview with Chad Johnson on my “Life's Hard, Succeed Anyway” podcast, you can listen and subscribe here.
Until next time,