
Unleash Your Motivation in Order to Achieve Your Dreams

May 24, 2023
Unleash Your Motivation in Order to Achieve Your Dreams

Do you ever find yourself lacking the motivation to pursue your goals?

You’re not alone.

Whether it's making a business call, having a difficult conversation with someone, working out, or simply finding the drive in some other area of life, we all can experience moments of low motivation at times.

In fact, did you know that over 1/3 of Americans feel dissatisfied with their lives? That's over 100 million people!

It's a widespread issue, which is why I felt compelled to address motivation today.

I believe I can offer some perspective that will help you overcome this feeling if/when you have it, and help you achieve the impact you desire.

I've personally struggled with motivation and clarity at various points in my life and have learned valuable lessons along the way that I want to share with you.

Whether it's finding motivation for everyday activities or reevaluating your career path, I've got you covered.

First, it’s important to understand that our minds have a tendency to prioritize comfort and safety, exaggerating the dangers of taking certain actions, which can hinder our progress.

By understanding this, we are able to combat it by taking the needed action immediately, before our minds can try to talk us out of the action “for our safety.”

Additionally, it is important to realize that we oftentimes will not truly "feel” like doing the things we know we need to do.

However, we must ignore the feelings/emotions that we have little to no direct control of, and take action on the things we do have direct control of (our thoughts and actions), so that we can start making the desired progress towards our goals.

It’s also important to understand that we are not victims of circumstance, and that our choices and actions directly impact our outcomes.

By adopting an internal locus of control, owning up to the fact that we are not victims of our circumstances and that our actions do have a significant effect on our outcomes, along with God’s blessing of course, is very helpful in increasing motivation, productivity and satisfaction in our work.

Furthermore, when it comes to our careers and life’s vocational calling, I can’t over emphasize the significance of clarifying your "why” - your reason for doing what you do in the first place.

This is one of the biggest keys to motivation.

Reconnecting with your purpose and evaluating whether your current path aligns with your life goals is crucial.

If it does, great! If not, read on.

For those who may be struggling to find motivation in your current career and are considering a change, I encourage you to take a step back and evaluate whether your current situation aligns with your desired lifestyle and purpose.

Sometimes, starting fresh and making necessary changes can be the key to reigniting your motivation and finding true fulfillment.

If you come to the realization that you are not pursuing your life’s calling, and know that you need to make a career change but lack the confidence to do so, gaining positive answers to the following three questions should provide you the confidence to move forward…

Can I do it?
Will it work?
Is it worth it?

Doing whatever is required to gain clarity and positive internal answers to those simple, yet profoundly important and motivating questions, can guide you in finding motivation and confidence needed to pursue your newly chosen career path.

I hope this serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement for you, and if I can ever be of assistance, I’d be happy to. Shoot me a message on my website or any of my social media platforms you may find there.

Also, please share this with others who may be lacking motivation in a particular area and might benefit from these insights.

Together, we can create a community of motivated individuals positively impacting the world around us in significant ways.

If you’d like to hear the most recent interview with David Waldy on my “Life's Hard, Succeed Anyway” podcast, a man who nearly took his life while living the supposed “American Dream,” you can listen and follow the show here.

Until next time,