
Set Your Vision and See Success

Jun 13, 2023
Set Your Vision and See Success

I hope this finds you brimming with energy and ready to face the opportunities the upcoming week offers.

I am pretty pumped up because we are getting close to launching the $0.99 presale of my new book, Life’s Hard, Succeed Anyway, coming to an online bookstore near you.

More exciting news to come on that soon…

The message I want to share with you this week hinges on an important premise that I talk about in my book...Vision.

The first step to becoming successful in our family, health, spiritual walk or professionally, is creating a compelling vision for our life.

Your vision should be a clear, vibrant picture of (1) WHAT you want to do (your mission), (2) WHY you want to do it (your purpose), and (3) WHO you want to share this journey with (your community).

Your mission helps guide your actions, your purpose fuels your passion, and your community provides you with the support and collaboration you need to succeed.

Do you have all three?

Think of your vision as a destination. Once you have this destination in mind, your journey doesn't stop there. You must pave the path to reach this destination.

This is where the execution comes into play.

The execution of your vision is achieved by creating a solid plan.

This plan is like a roadmap to your vision. It not only outlines the steps you need to take but also predicts potential roadblocks and prepares you to navigate them successfully.

Your plan should be flexible, allowing for adjustments as you learn and grow.

Equally vital is the consistency of your actions in working the plan.

Rome was not built in a day; similarly, your vision cannot be realized overnight. Consistency ensures that every day you move (at least a little bit) closer to your vision, step by step.

Lastly, keep in mind that success is guaranteed to those who do not quit.

There will be days when your progress seems slow, when obstacles appear insurmountable, and quitting may seem like an attractive option.

But remember, these are the moments that test your determination. It's the persistence through these challenging times, enabled by staying focused on your vision, that character is developed and the truly successful are refined and defined.

Success is a journey, not a destination. It becomes certain when your compelling vision meets unwavering execution.

So, dream big, plan well, stay consistent, and never quit.

If you do, your success is not just possible - it's certain!

If you’d like to hear the most recent interview with Brian Covey on my “Life's Hard, Succeed Anyway” podcast, former pro soccer player turned entrepreneur, you can listen and subscribe here.