Ready to Write Your Eulogy?
Oct 05, 2022
Have you ever considered how your eulogy will be read?
Okay, hang with me on this one as I think this week’s topic can really enhance your life now and for many years to come.
(Click on image above if you prefer to watch a video rather than read.)
Many don't like to think about the following . . . but one day each of us will die. Our bodies and this life as we know it will soon pass.
Taking the time to think about how our lives are being lived is a very important thing to do, and with all the distractions of our modern-day environment, it’s an easy thing not to do because we all seem to be so busy.
As you likely know, a eulogy is typically a written speech given in memory of a person who has died, of how the author of the eulogy desires the person to be remembered.
Have you thought about how you want to be remembered?
More importantly, how will you be remembered?
As with many things in life, it is often very helpful to start with the desired end result in mind and “reverse engineer” what must occur between now and then to lead to the preferred outcome - the result we are seeking.
This applies to our health, relationships, finances, and our businesses.
It’s important to take a “30,000-foot view” of our lives to help ensure we are on the right path.
Rather than living an unintentional, reactive life that ends up wherever the wind blows us, it is much more profitable and rewarding to live an intentional life, created on purpose and for a purpose, with clear goals and objectives in mind.
Taking the time to know what we desire to accomplish with our time here on earth will not only make our life more enjoyable and rewarding as we work towards that end, but it will also help us to redeem the limited amount of time that we have and to be more productive, giving time to the things that really matter most to us.
Where to begin?
Start by carving out a quiet—an uninterrupted hour or two to focus on writing your own eulogy.
It may seem overwhelming to write something so important. After all, it sums up your entire life, but don’t overthink it.
Just get started and write something.
You can always rewrite it and improve it later by implementing the 80% Approach.
NOTE: If you don’t know the 80% Approach, you’ll want to grab my 21 Success Secrets They Didn’t Teach You in School, here.
So, where do you start writing your eulogy?
- Think simple.
- What really matters to you?
- What are some life mottos you live by?
- What inspires you?
- Why are you here?
- What do you live—and die—for?
- What do you want to be remembered for?
- How can you impact others, one life at a time, and in doing so change the world?
Don’t push this off. Your eulogy involves your life mission, your highest ambition—the reason you’re here. Don’t live another week without it.
It can be a powerful tool—one that can guide you your entire life.
Some helpful tips.
To make the most of your eulogy, remember:
- Review it regularly: Daily, weekly (remembering your purpose).
- Place it somewhere visible: a vision board, bathroom mirror, or note pinned on KeepNotes.
- Live by it - your eulogy becomes your “North Star.” It is the “source code” of your life. Everything revolves around it. To put it simply, it’s why you wake up each morning.
Would you like to know what is included in my eulogy?
Okay, here is a one sentence excerpt:
“Allan was authentic, vulnerable, positive and encouraging, and made a positive, eternal impact on those who he came in contact with.”
In keeping with my eulogy, I am thrilled to announce that I recently launched a Podcast called “Life’s Hard, Succeed Anyway” as a way to do just that for others, with some incredibly encouraging interviews already and many more to come each week ahead.
We have already received many raving reviews from others who are loving it.
In just the first three weeks, many have shared similar stories…that it brought them to tears of encouragement and hope, and I trust it will be a great encouragement to you too, as well as those you may choose to share it with.
You can find it by clicking on your favorite podcast app (Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, etc.) here.
I invite you to click “follow” and listen to Episode 1 to hear more of my struggles and the backstory behind the podcast. I believe you will find it surprising and very encouraging!
Until next time,