Protect Your #1 Asset to Success
Oct 26, 2022
Do you know one thing successful people have in common?
They have a strong, healthy cognitive ability. Their minds are sharp!
(Click on the image above if you prefer to watch a video rather than read.)
Knowing this, it’s beneficial to know one of the best ways to keep our minds healthy and sharp.
The science is clear.
Did you know that maintaining our health and fitness has been proven to help us maintain our cognitive ability well into our elderly years, and hopefully until we take our last breath.
We have all probably heard about those mental exercises that one can do online, which are intended to make us smarter and keep our cognitive ability intact.
Although there may be some benefit to them, I’ve personally not seen any scientific proof that those are really of any substantial benefit in slowing cognitive decline as we age.
On the other hand, cardiovascular and resistance training (strength training) has certainly been proven over and over again to help us maintain our cognitive ability over time.
The great part about exercise is that in addition to promoting cognitive health, there are so many other benefits as well - weight management, improved mood, better self-esteem, feelings of well-being, lowered blood pressure, heart health, increased libido (a better sex life), and the list goes on.
It’s been said that if the benefits of exercise could be bottled and sold in a pill, it would be the #1 selling and most beneficial medicine in the world.
Helping us maintain our cognitive health is just one of the many benefits that a high-quality diet and exercise regime provide but it’s arguably the most important one, even though few realize or even think about this critical connection between our physical health and fitness and our mental abilities.
But not you, because you read these Wisdom Wednesday emails and now you know! =)
Okay, back on track. Let’s land this plane.
Unfortunately, at around age 25 our cognitive health peaks, and then our fluid intelligence can begin to decline over the years that follow.
For some this decline happens faster, while for others it's much slower if at all.
The choices we make now have a direct impact on the rate at which our mental abilities will decline. Good nutrition and exercise can help us stave off that decline.
Obviously preventing harmful substances from going into our bodies (harmful foods & drinks, chemicals, drugs, smoke, etc.) is important as well.
Also important is consuming nutrient dense, high octane brain fuel in the form of high quality whole foods and whole-food supplements.
My hope is that this simple, yet profound message about the extremely important area of brain health and the positive impact diet and exercise has on delaying and ideally preventing cognitive decline, will inspire and encourage you to not neglect taking care of your body in the best possible way.
And if you ever want to learn about my daily exercise, diet, sleep and supplement routine, feel free to reach out and ask me. I’d be happy to share!
Until next time,