How to Extend the Quality of Your Life (This may surprise you)
Oct 12, 2022
I have a question for you.
Have you ever taken the time to think about how long you expect to live, absent of course some unforeseen life-ending circumstances?
Most of us either consciously or subconsciously have an (approx.) age we expect to live to…A number in our minds we expect to hit.
What’s your number?
For some, it may be 60 because that is when members of their family have passed. Others may believe they will live to the average age of 78, or possibly for others, their number is 85 or 90 because that is how long a parent or grandparent lived.
The reason I believe this conversation is helpful is because our view of when our time on this earth will end can significantly impact the way we live.
For example, at 50 years old, if we think we only have 20 years left, it affects what we choose to do, what we may think we are too old to start, how productive those next 20 years will be, and so on.
If we believe we don’t have many years remaining, we may be more prone to make poor decisions, whether in our finances, physical health, spiritual life, and our relationships (or lack thereof).
We could, as a result of our view of a shorter lifespan, become less productive and less helpful to others, and possibly even more prone to depression.
If, however, we believe we will live with good health until age 100, 110, or even 120 as examples, which others have proven is certainly possible, it extends the amount of life we have ahead of us (at least mentally), causing us to view the remaining life before us differently.
As examples, it can create increased motivation to make better food choices and to take better care of ourselves, and it can certainly set us in a better position for planning the future, starting something new and accomplishing more, thereby living with greater intentionality, increased purpose, and more impact during our remaining years here on earth.
It’s also a great way to help us remain positive, excited and optimistic about the future.
Why settle for a life of mediocrity in your last few decades if God has greater plans for you to accomplish in this life?
If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to set a new timeline for your life and begin living accordingly.
I can tell you from personal experience, it’s invigorating, much more rewarding and exciting to have a 30,000-foot view of my life that extends well beyond the average age of 78.
Besides, who wants to live an “average” life anyway? I sure don’t and I trust you don’t either.
I may be playing too small, but my personal number is 110. What’s yours?
Until next time, check out the latest Life’s Hard, Succeed Anyway podcast episode here.
Make it a great one,