Go From a Victim to Victor
Sep 28, 2022
The mind is a powerful instrument that can be used to move us towards prosperity or towards poverty depending on how we use it.
(Click on image above if you prefer to watch a video rather than read.)
When people hear this, it is either one of the scariest things they've heard, or it is exciting, empowering, and invigorating news to them.
Because it means that we must take proper responsibility for our lives.
We can’t blame things on the economy.
…on a spouse.
…on a job or co-worker.
…on the weather.
…on President Biden.
…or anything else for that matter.
We must take ownership of our financial situation and not blame people or circumstances, and we certainly cannot make excuses.
Life is always full of obstacles and there are always challenges.
When we are faced with these challenges the mind chooses whether to be the victor and find solutions or play the victim and blame things on outside circumstances.
If we choose to be the victim and make excuses and blame, we cannot be the victor! We must be aware that it is impossible to be both.
I am reminded of what Jim Rohn said, “It’s not what happens that determines your life’s future, it’s what you do about what happens.”
He continued to say, “...all of us are like little sailboats. It’s not the blowing of the wind that determines our destination, it’s the set of the sail.
The same wind blows on us all. The wind of disaster, the wind of opportunity, the wind of change, the wind when it is favorable, the wind when it is unfavorable. The same wind blows on us all. The economic wind, the social wind, the political wind.
The difference in where you arrive, the difference in where I arrive in one year, three years, or five years, is not the blowing of the wind but it’s the set of the sail.”
In other words.… It's all about our mindset and our perspective!
Our life is not affected as much by what happens to us as much as it is affected by how we react to what happens to us.
So, if you haven’t already done so, are you ready to abandon the victim mindset for good? I hope so!
In order to do so, we must first understand a couple things.
We must understand this basic foundational principle … that we can either choose to be the victim or we can choose to be the victor, but we can’t be both. We must choose one or the other.
Also, we must understand that there is often an emotional payoff that comes from being the victim.
We sometimes can fall into the victim mindset because we get some sort of payoff from it. It somehow makes us feel better about ourselves.
For some, it’s noble, spiritual, or honorable to be broke, for example.
For others it’s easy to blame other people or circumstances so that they don’t have to take responsibility for their own inadequacies and their lack of willingness to step outside their comfort zone and grow.
Let’s wrap this up with three action steps that I encourage you to consider.
First, honestly answer the following question...
Do I tend to fall into the victim mindset in any way?
Second, ask what is the payoff that I may believe I am receiving from being a victim?
And, finally, am I willing to let that go?
Are you willing to release being a victim and embrace being a victor no matter what curveballs life may throw your way? (And there will be curveballs for all of us.)
If you are ready, would you like to learn how?
Are you ready to discover what the key is to stop being the victim today?
Good! (I’ll take that as a yes if you’re still reading.)
You simply DECIDE to start being the victor.
You decide to abandon the victim mindset. It’s really that simple.
Now just do it, and I look forward to seeing you at the top!
“For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” - 1 John 5:4
Until next time,