Do You Compare Yourself to Others?
Oct 19, 2022
Have you ever heard the saying that “comparison is the thief of joy?”
It is often an applicable statement, but today I want to share my thoughts on the topic of comparison, which may be a little different from what you’ve heard before.
Did you know there are two ways to compare ourselves to others?
One is negative, destructive and damaging, and the other is positive, constructive and helpful.
(Click on the image above if you prefer to watch a video rather than read.)
Say what!?
Yes, comparison can be a terrible thing or a wonderful thing, depending upon how it’s done.
So how do we know if we are doing it the “right” way or the “wrong” way?
The answer is simple.
In our comparison to another, if it causes us to feel inferior, not good enough, discouraged, less than, or hopeless, it is not a healthy or productive thing to do. Period.
If you are doing that, please stop immediately.
It’s not fair and certainly not healthy to compare our chapter 3 to another person’s chapter 21, expecting to be at the same destination.
It doesn’t work that way.
That’s stinking thinking that we must stop.
On the other hand, if comparing yourself to someone who has what you desire to have (or become) physically, financially, relationally, or spiritually inspires you and helps you to dream bigger, realize what’s possible, look to an encouraging example to model after, and inspires you to believe that “if they can do it, so can I,” then you are on the right track!
I do this often. I look at someone who has (as one of many examples…) better fitness than me, that is older than me, and I compare.
If they can be disciplined with their eating, and consistent in their workouts, sleep and stress management and have six-pack abs at 55 years old, why can’t I at 50 years old?
I am reminded that I can, and I feel encouraged!
I would encourage you to let other’s accomplishments inspire you to what is possible.
To help you dream bigger.
To reach higher.
To accomplish more.
To see what once seemed impossible as possible.
That is the healthy comparison that I have found very beneficial in my life, and I hope you do too.
Take a moment to think about who you know that has what you want, physically, financially, relationally, in lifestyle, etc.?
Were they born with all these things, or did they work hard to learn, grow, improve and achieve them?
Do they have the same 24 hours in a day that you have? Do they put their pants on one leg at a time like you? Do they have challenges in their life too? (Yes, everyone does!)
If they can do it, so CAN YOU!
Let’s go!
Until next time,