
Are you growing or dying?

Apr 19, 2023
Are you growing or dying?

Did you know that everything is either growing or dying?

Are you growing as strong and as fast as you’d like?

This conversation is vital to your success in any area of life…we must be committed to a lifetime of growth to enjoy fulfillment, success and maximum impact.

This is biblical success principle #6 of the 7 that I shared on my podcast a few weeks ago (episode 025).

If you would like to hear that podcast episode, you can listen (and follow the show) here: Apple | Spotify | Audible

You can also access all previous Wisdom Wednesday emails, including biblical success principles #1 - #5, here on my blog.

Now let's get to it!

Romans 12:2a states, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….”

This verse has massive implications for our personal growth and development.

From a young age, we are often pressured to conform to the world around us. Children hear harsh comments and experience societal pressure to fit in and be like everyone else.

As a result, they often lose their unique identities and conform to the norms of society.

Sadly, this pressure to conform is not just limited to children; it is also prevalent among adults.

The last few years have seen a rise in the cancel culture, which has only intensified the pressure to conform to societal norms. However, we are not meant to conform to the world around us.

Instead, we are instructed to transform ourselves by renewing our minds. This is where transformational growth begins.

The transformation that takes place in our lives overtime can be compared to that of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. It is a process that involves several difficult stages, but the end result is a beautiful transformation.

Personal growth does not happen overnight. It involves a process of transformation that requires effort and commitment.

Just like a caterpillar must go through several stages of transformation to become a butterfly, we too must go through a process of transformation and growth to reach our full potential.

To transform, we are told that we must renew our minds daily.

As a Christian, in addition to the most important investment, spending time with God and in His word, this involves engaging in activities that promote personal growth, such as reading/listening to books, attending workshops, or listening to podcasts to name a few.

These activities help us to declutter the “real estate” between our two ears, develop new perspectives and learn new skills, which are essential for personal growth.

Renewing our minds also helps us discover our purpose in life. Many people wonder what their purpose in life is, but God already has the answer. He has given each of us unique gifts, talents and desires that are tailor-made for the growth He has planned for us.

By renewing our minds, we can discover these gifts and talents and use them to more intentionally and effectively fulfill our purpose and calling in life.

We are certainly not meant to be complacent, stagnant or conform to the world around us. We are a creation designed to be transformed by renewing our minds and through continued growth.

It requires effort and commitment. By renewing our minds daily, we can gain clarity on our purpose in life in order to reach our full potential.

Are you ready to commit to growing and becoming the best version of yourself, the version God had planned for you before the beginning of time?

I hope so!

If you’d like to hear the most recent episode of my “Life's Hard, Succeed Anyway” podcast, where I discuss the importance of our association and how they affect us, you can listen and subscribe here.